Qua­lity management - Theis
Made in Germany

You need half tubes, coiled half tubes or U‑tubes? No matter which tube system is required — with Theis Tube Tech­no­lo­gies from Siegen you rely on hig­hest per­for­mance and safety. A great number of cer­ti­fi­cates and appr­ovals con­firm our work and qua­lity and our unli­mited ver­tical range of manu­fac­tu­ring. We are cer­ti­fied by TÜV Süd Manage­ment Ser­vice GmbH DIN EN ISO 9001:2015, and an accre­dited manu­fac­turer accor­ding to TÜV Nord Sys­tems GmbH & Co.KG AD 2000-Merk­blatt HP0 / W0, as well as DIN EN ISO 3834–2 and Qua­lity Assu­rance System for mate­rial manu­fac­tu­rers accor­ding to the rule 2014/68/EU for pres­sure equipment.

Com­mitted. Fle­xible. Target-oriented.


Our team of Theis Tube Tech­no­lo­gies in Siegen meet cus­to­mers and part­ners in every pro­ject with grea­test exper­tise and hig­hest com­mit­ment: From a reliable deli­very per­for­mance via solu­tions made to customer’s spe­ci­fi­ca­tions through to tech­nical advice and sup­port, and we always pro­vide more than 100% and more than you expect from us. This is the credo which has helped us to be a suc­cessful, medium-sized, owner-managed manu­fac­tu­ring com­pany in the ben­ding industry since 1926. We do ever­y­thing to meet your requi­re­ments — well-con­sidered and stra­te­gi­cally sound, which also is a fixed ele­ment in our com­pany phi­lo­sophy. Respect for our staff mem­bers’ per­for­mance. Their know-how and com­mit­ment enable us to ensure the con­sis­t­ently high qua­lity of Theis-tube-sys­tems as well as our well estab­lished pro­duct portfolio.


Being a tra­di­tional com­pany, Theis can look back to a com­pre­hen­sive and con­ti­nu­ally deve­lo­ping system — also in the field of qua­lity con­trol. Our high qua­lity awa­re­ness is mainly based on the following:

  • Ensure the pro­duct qua­lity with regard to sup­pliers and customers 
  • Sup­plier eva­lua­tion and assessment 

    for main­tai­ning an unin­ter­rupted supply chain and for fur­ther deve­lo­ping exis­ting sup­plier rela­tions and for exten­ding busi­ness with new suppliers

  • Cus­tomer-ori­ented order pro­ces­sing in con­nec­tion with “com­pli­cated” pro­duct requi­re­ments and hig­hest demands 

    Espe­ci­ally in the case of increased pro­duct requi­re­ments and scopes of inspec­tion, the imple­men­ta­tion of the respec­tive pro­ject requires com­pre­hen­sive plan­ning, advice and coor­di­na­tion, starting from issuing com­pre­hen­sive QM-docu­ments via the full rea­li­sa­tion of spe­cific internal and external inspec­tions through to the final inspec­tion, where appro­priate with the invol­vement of third parties.

  • The pro­gres­sive deve­lo­p­ment and/or exten­sion of the exis­ting ben­ding pro­cess qualification 

    for exten­ding the range and impro­ving the pos­si­bi­li­ties for an estab­lish­ment in rele­vant pro­duct segments

  • Main­ten­ance of an in-house con­trol of inspec­tion, mea­su­ring and test equipment 

    for ensu­ring a regular and con­ti­nuous review and for a timely main­ten­ance of the gauge capa­bi­lity of all QA rele­vant mea­su­ring devices, which can be moni­tored intern­ally with appro­priate devices

  • Exten­ding our staff’s wealth of expe­ri­ence and their qua­li­fi­ca­tions by means of com­pre­hen­sive applied training 

    ali­gned with the needs of the depart­ments and adapted to cross-com­pany deve­lo­p­ments, rai­sing the claim of a tar­geted fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment of our staff’s skills and — fur­ther­more — for main­tai­ning our competitiveness

  • Use of modern and approved tech­no­lo­gies for con­trol­ling the requested pro­duct quality 

    Stan­dar­dised dimen­sional tests are per­formed by means of ultra­sound / sur­faces which are not directly visible can be inspected endo­sco­pi­cally and/or video­sco­pi­cally at any time 

  • Net­wor­king with any type of testing tech­no­logy which can be used within the frame­work of pro­duct realisation 

    In coope­ra­tion with external ser­vice pro­vi­ders and accre­dited labo­ra­to­ries, all types of tests, which are beyond our means, can be orga­nised and imple­mented in a timely manner, com­pri­sing for example: Tests for mixed-up com­pon­ents, cor­ro­sion tests, resi­dual stress tests, water ana­lyses, des­truc­tive and non-des­truc­tive tests etc.

In order to imple­ment our high qua­lity stan­dards within the pro­cess land­scape of the com­pany we have estab­lished various fea­tures at an early stage in con­nec­tion with the qua­lity manage­ment which are to ensure a smooth ope­ra­tion of a run­ning QM-system. In this con­text, the fol­lo­wing pro­cee­dings and methods have a sup­porting effect on the achie­va­bi­lity and fea­si­bi­lity of the qua­lity targets.

  • Ensure the pro­duct qua­lity with regard to sup­pliers and customers 

    by con­se­quently using spe­cific docu­ments: Deli­very spe­ci­fi­ca­tions -> sup­plier / manu­fac­tu­ring spe­ci­fi­ca­tions con­cer­ning the pro­duc­tion, manu­fac­tu­ring ins­truc­tions, and others -> customer

  • Sup­plier eva­lua­tion and assessment 

    for main­tai­ning an unin­ter­rupted supply chain and for fur­ther deve­lo­ping exis­ting sup­plier rela­tions and for exten­ding busi­ness with new suppliers

  • Cus­tomer-ori­ented order pro­ces­sing in con­nec­tion with “com­pli­cated” pro­duct requi­re­ments and hig­hest demands 

    Espe­ci­ally in the case of increased pro­duct requi­re­ments and scopes of inspec­tion, the imple­men­ta­tion of the respec­tive pro­ject requires com­pre­hen­sive plan­ning, advice and coor­di­na­tion, starting from issuing com­pre­hen­sive QM-docu­ments via the full rea­li­sa­tion of spe­cific internal and external inspec­tions through to the final inspec­tion, where appro­priate with the invol­vement of third parties.

  • The pro­gres­sive deve­lo­p­ment and/or exten­sion of the exis­ting ben­ding pro­cess qualification 

    for exten­ding the range and impro­ving the pos­si­bi­li­ties for an estab­lish­ment in rele­vant pro­duct segments

  • Main­ten­ance of an in-house con­trol of inspec­tion, mea­su­ring and test equipment 

    for ensu­ring a regular and con­ti­nuous review and for a timely main­ten­ance of the gauge capa­bi­lity of all QA rele­vant mea­su­ring devices, which can be moni­tored intern­ally with appro­priate devices

  • Exten­ding our staff’s wealth of expe­ri­ence and their qua­li­fi­ca­tions by means of com­pre­hen­sive applied training 

    ali­gned with the needs of the depart­ments and adapted to cross-com­pany deve­lo­p­ments, rai­sing the claim of a tar­geted fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment of our staff’s skills and — fur­ther­more — for main­tai­ning our competitiveness

  • Use of modern and approved tech­no­lo­gies for con­trol­ling the requested pro­duct quality 

    Stan­dar­dised dimen­sional tests are per­formed by means of ultra­sound / sur­faces which are not directly visible can be inspected endo­sco­pi­cally and/or video­sco­pi­cally at any time 

  • Net­wor­king with any type of testing tech­no­logy which can be used within the frame­work of pro­duct realisation 

    In coope­ra­tion with external ser­vice pro­vi­ders and accre­dited labo­ra­to­ries, all types of tests, which are beyond our means, can be orga­nised and imple­mented in a timely manner, com­pri­sing for example: Tests for mixed-up com­pon­ents, cor­ro­sion tests, resi­dual stress tests, water ana­lyses, des­truc­tive and non-des­truc­tive tests etc.

We look for­ward to recei­ving your application!
We are happy to answer your ques­tions about our vacan­cies. We will answer your request as soon as possible.
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AD 2000- Merk­blatt HP0
AD 2000- Merk­blatt W0
ISO 9001:2015
DIN EN ISO 3834–3
PED 2014/68/EU